Eating Disorders & Body Positivity

Quiet the voice.

Let’s change the voice in your head.

Your self-esteem should and can be as sacred as your relationship with spirituality, bank account, relationships, or beloved pet. Therapy can help you or your loved one develop a relationship with themselves they cherish and prioritize. Therapy at Resilient Wellness is an opportunity to create a new inner dialogue for your self-esteem and sustain a long-term relationship with yourself.

Say goodbye to:

  • Tears in the Mirror and Distorted Body Image

  • Binge Diets and/or Calorie Restriction

  • Dreading your next meal or eating in front of others

    Therapy at Resilient Wellness:

  • Collaborative treatment with your dietitian, primary care physician, nutritionist, or personal trainer.

  • Psychoeducational coping skills enhance your coping abilities and regulate emotions.

  • Strategies to decrease and eliminate potential relapse. We create a sustainable treatment plan in a safe space where you are motivated and excited for your next session!

  • Schedule a Free 15 Minute Consultation to learn more about how we can support your journey.

“Treat your body like it belongs to somebody you love.”

Resilient Wellness offers a unique inclusive approach to help our clients create a healthy lifestyle, self-empowerment, and better relationships with themselves.

Eating Disorders RW treats and helps clients sustain recovery:

  • Anorexia Nervosa

  • Bulimia Nervosa

  • Binge Eating Disorder

  • Rumination Disorder

  • Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder

  • Co-curring Mental Health Conditions

Health at Every Size

A Body Positivity Approach to Your HealthCare.

  • Learn to cope with triggers and fears of being weighed at your Healthcare provider’s office.

  • Eliminate the symptoms of Anxiety and Depression related to gaining or losing weight.

  • Develop a healthy self-image in Adolescence and Adulthood utilizing self-compassion and an unconditional self-acceptance approach with a customized treatment plan created specifically for each client's individualized needs.

  • Challenge societal expectations, and create body confidence while celebrating body diversity.

We understand it’s not easy.

We acknowledge how brutal the war within yourself has been.

We are here to support you, help you redefine Resilience, and write the best chapter of your life.

Health at Every Size is not an exclusive club. Health at Every Size includes you. My name is Melissa Kalinowski, M.A. LPC, and I know how hard it is to make that first appointment. I also know how liberating it is to fall in love with yourself.

Let’s work together to create the life you have been striving for.